Hugo Firth is an experienced Osteopath & Sports Injury Rehab specialist in Kingston . He has been treating patients for back and neck pain as well as any other muscle and joint injury at his central Kingston upon Thames practice for over 10 years (KT1) . He uniquely combines the use of 3D Functional movement developed by the Gray Institute of Functional Exercise Therapy with Osteopathy treatment to create a highly effective therapeutic programme for you. It enhances the healing process, reduces pain quickly, increases mobility and helps you maintain and improve your own musculoskeletal health. So if you have a specific joint or muscle pain that you think Osteopathy could help or you need sports injury rehab then get in touch. Over the years Hugo has helped thousands of patients in Kingston, Surbiton and the surrounding areas to regain their best health.
Read some helpful Reviews
Over the years patients in the Kingston areas have received Osteopathy & Sports Injury Rehab treatment from Hugo Firth. They have kindly left reviews to help people looking for an Osteopath in Kingston or relief from their back and neck pain to get a better idea of what to expect and to share how effective Hugo’s approach has been for them. You can read the Google Reviews here .FaceBook reviews are further down this page.Hopefully you will find them useful.
Hugo treats at his own practice conveniently located between central Kingston and Surbiton just 10 mins walk from both train stations. There is ample parking too.
Osteopathy, Sports Injury Rehab and Shockwave Therapy combined
Hugo added Shockwave Therapy (SWT) as a treatment modality to his the practice in Kingston over a year ago. By combining it with Osteopathy and 3d Functional Exercise patients have found it a highly effective , non invasive treatment. They find that SWT reduces pain and kick starts the healing process. He has been successfully treating Frozen Shoulder, Rotator Cuff injuries, inflamed Achilles Tendons, knee pain and Golfer’s and Tennis Elbow with Shockwave Therapy. Please read some of the reviews at Google reviews or read more about SWT here. For an Initial consultation and treatment book online here.
By combining this therapy with Osteopathy, not only is the healing process of the tissues improved but the cause of the injury can be addressed too. So a more long term solution is found for patients.
Personal videos for exercises as part of your Osteopathy treatment
As part of your Osteopathy treatment Hugo will video you doing your unique functional exercises (with your permission) so you have a reference after you have left the clinic. You will also have access to his YouTube channel of therapeutic exercises at no extra charge where you will find a range of exercises that you can use in the future. So whether you have a sports injury and require rehab or you are receiving Osteopathy treatment for a specific painful part of the body you will have permanent visual reference to your exercise.
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Hugo Firth BOst, BSc, MA is a qualified Osteopath (GOSc registered 8887). He uniquely combines Osteopathy with renowned Gray Institute Functional Exercise Therapy. He is also a trained Medical Acupuncturist and a NAT Practitioner for treating Frozen Shoulders
Featured Exercise Technique
The most effective Psoas Stretch (Hip Flexor)
For more useful videos to help improve your movement go to the Resources Section
Osteopathy to ease Muscle and Joint Pain
A popular misconception is that Osteopathy is just for your neck and back. Osteopathy is a highly effective therapy for your whole body. So wherever you have pain, Hugo will always find the cause the of it as well as treating the muscle and joint pain itself. It may be in a different area of the body. Neck pain can come from the lower back or even the foot. He takes the time to explain why the pain is occurring. Then through a combination of hands on treatment and specific functional exercises he will help you to reduce the pain and give you the means to address the cause and reduce the risk of it happening again. Would like to know more about Back pain or Frozen shoulder?
Osteopathy & Sports Injury rehab to prevent Recurring Injury?
As an Osteopath & sports injury rehab specialist, Hugo will analyse your gait, foot biomechanics, posture and spine as well as the injured tissue itself to find the root cause of the injury if it is a recurring injury or healing very slowly. Recurring injuries such as hamstring strains, achilles tendonitis, plantafascitis, shin splints, ankle sprains, calf strains, runners knee, tennis and golfers elbow, shoulder and knee pain, back pain, sciatica – all benefit from this approach.
Post Surgery or Trauma Rehab?
If it is a trauma or post surgery rehab he makes sure that joints and muscles above and below the site of injury are working optimally to enhance the healing process. He then gives his patients the latest advice and help on how to manage the injury and improve the rate of healing.
He provides really effective rehab exercise programmes tailored to their sport that help his patients regain proprioception and muscles strength. So they are ready to return to their activity with less chance of re-injury.